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Book Review | Time’s Convert by Deborah Harkness

I’m delighted to be sharing my thoughts about Time’s Convert by Deborah Harkness.

I have a very special place in my heart for Deborah Harkness and the All Souls Trilogy …

A Discovery of Witches was the first book proof I ever received and my first ever blog post!  and spent a wonderful weekend in London when I was invited to attend the launch (in July 2013) of the third in the trilogy, The Book of Life.

Yes I was awestruck to meet Deborah Harkness!  You won’t be surprised to hear that as soon as the date/time of the TV series was announced I set the box to record…

I feel extremely privileged to have read early copies of what has gone on to become a hugely popular world.

Today I’m sharing my thoughts on Time’s Convert.  Here’s more about this extraordinary novel:

  • 448 pages
  • Publisher: Headline (18 Sept. 2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1472237331
  • ISBN-13: 978-1472237330

From human to vampire …

Marcus Whitmore was made a vampire in the eighteenth century. Over two hundred years later, he finds himself in love with Phoebe Taylor, a human who decides to become a vampire herself.

But her transformation will prove as challenging now as it was for Marcus when he first encountered Matthew de Clermont, his sire.

While Phoebe is secreted away, Marcus relives his own journey from the battlefields of the American Revolutionary War, through the treachery of the French Revolution to a bloody finale in New Orleans. His belief in liberty, equality and brotherhood challenged at every stage by the patriarchy of the de Clermonts.

What will he and Phoebe discover in one another when they are finally reunited at Les Revenants, beneath the watchful gaze of Matthew and his wife, Diana Bishop?

Sunday Times Number One bestselling author Deborah Harkness returns to the spellbinding world she created in A Discovery of Witches and, through the prism of an unconventional love story, explores the power of tradition and the endless possibilities for change.

Book Review

I was bursting with excitement when I heard that Deborah Harkness was taking us back to this world with Time’s Convert.  And a couple of days into reading …

In the land of witches, vampires, daemons and warmbloods, one timeline moves forwards while the other backwards …

Firstly, you don’t have to read the All Souls Trilogy to be able to understand Time’s Convert (however I would recommend that you do!).

Phoebe’s transition from warmblood to vampire is interesting.  Experiencing life through her perspective as a newborn and then infant is such a sensory experience.  As she learns we do too.  Actions seen as quirks become clear that they’re customs (and expectations) and there’s a reason for everything. I must admit I envisioned a different ending for Persephone but this speaks volumes about Phoebe’s personality.

It’s Diana’s narration that keeps us up to speed on life with Matthew, twins Philip and Becca and the de Clermont clan.  Her fears are still very real to her although she does relax more as time goes by.  As a weaver she can see the strands indicating Marcus’ melancholia and so interweaved with Phoebe’s transformation, Marcus takes us back in time from early childhood in Hadley in 1762, unravelling his experiences and coming to terms with choices.

I’ve loved all strands in Time’s Convert but must admit to being fascinated by life in the 1700’s – how the American and French Revolutions affected life, the early stages of medicine, how cures were found for diseases and just day to day living.  Totally absorbing and authentic.

Rules and expectations are just as rigid as you would expect with the de Clermont family but it does feel as if the edges are becoming smoother (it’s those rebels!).  When they get together you just know it’s not going to turn out how others would expect.  There are surprises!  Loved the 4th July spectacular.

I’m really excited at the possibilities for the twins and can’t wait to see which paths Deborah Harkness’ imagination will take us down.  I think we are going to be seeing a lot more of Apollo 😀

Time’s Convert is more than an unconventional love story.  Sometimes we make the wrong choices for the right reasons and need some kind of resolution.  In Time’s Convert we go full circle to end at what was once the beginning.  Perfect ending.

Time’s Convert is set in an extraordinary world that is unique.  Enough said 🙂  Go buy a copy.

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Twitter @DebHarkness



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